Calhoun, GA Airport (KCZL): Perfection

Calhoun, GA Airport: Tom B David Field Now and then we come upon an airport that totally impresses us: The people are extraordinarily helpful and provide terrific service, and everything is in mint condition. So it was during a visit in summer 2023 in Calhoun, GA. We had planned an overnight stay on a trip from Dallas to the Asheville area in North Carolina. Here's is what happened upon our arrival at the airport. I refuel the plane at the self-service pumps. It is the new system where the display terminal is protected from the sun and the color display is easy to read and operate. Once done, I go to the terminal to investigate storing the plane. Two people help me with this: John and Ryder. In fact, they provide a T-hangar, a rare treat. It takes me a while to remove the luggage and check the Rotax engine. As I am doing all this, Ryder comes back with a cold bottle of water, a welcome offer after the long flight. In the terminal building, everything ...